Monday 27 June 2011

Hair loss

Today, I agreed with my husband to go and see my GP about my hair. Now, I'm not really worried or anything, but my hair started falling out a little more than normal about a month ago. I was told by the nurses that this might happen, as it often does after a sudden illness or major surgery. A couple of weeks ago, I got it cut into a short bob, in an attempt to take some of the weight out of it and generally make it less noticeable if it did fall out. The past week, however, I've noticed that it's been falling out at an increasing rate, so much so, that I find myself dreading washing or brushing it.

Now, I have no doubt that this is a very temporary thing and that it'll all grow back in due course, but - right now - it's not a great thing to have to worry about (!). I am grateful, at least, that it appears to be falling out at the same rate all over! I'll let you know if my GP recommends anything.

Update following my appointment with my GP:

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