Friday 1 July 2011

Hair loss, Part 2

Something else that this process has taught me... your hair grows in cycles. At any one time, a proportion of your hair stops growing and is ready to fall out (whilst the rest continues to grow). If you undergo major surgery, are ill, underweight, or very stressed, these cycles can be interrupted. This doesn't have an immediate effect, but 1-3 months later, a much higher proportion of your hair is ready to fall out, and does. More details can be read here.

This is what my GP said at my appointment. She also mentioned that it was to be expected and that there wasn't anything that could be done to stop it, but that it shouldn't result in bald patches or anything (no matter how much seems to fall out every time I wash my hair!), but more a more-or-less overall thinning of my hair. Good news, although I'm still wary about washing it... Oh, if only a cool shower didn't feel so good during this horrid warm spell!

I have a wedding to attend at the end of July, so my current plan is to do absolutely minimal styling until then and then either curl or blow-dry it for the wedding to try and hide the lack of volume, maybe wear a thick hair band/big accessory or something (to hide my parting, rather than draw attention to my head).

Now, I've got to decide whether or not to try keeping this bag on for another day. It's been on for three so far and looks okay - not great, a bit dry around the edges, but nothing's pealing away - and I'm tempted to try it for four. Then again, we're planning on going on a walk to the coast later and I'm not sure I want to have an accident on the way. Hmm. Decisions, decisions. I think I'll have a cup to tea whilst I decide!

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